744 W. Skelton St. Fayetteville, AR 72701


Healing Circle

Send a Healing Request

Our Healing Circle facilitators are a very talented group of energy healers, mystics, shamans, spiritual seekers, teachers, and researchers who connect with the source for the benefit of others in need. Every Tuesday evening, the group comes together via Zoom to send remote healing energy to those in need using a meditative/visualization technique we call “Focused Thought Healing.”

(See Zoom connection information below.)

Members of the O.R.I. are automatically placed on our weekly Healing Circle “Health, Wealth, and Well-Being” meditation list.

Multi-Ethnic Diverse Group of People In Circle
Attractive young woman having reiki treatment

Private Appointments

There are a limited number of private appointments available at the Institute each week. Facilitators offer a wide range of energy healing modalities. Fees vary. Call O.R.I. to reserve a session at (479) 582-9197.

Or, you might join our monthly, third Sunday Energy Share gathering at the Institute. This is a free exchange to support our community. Donations are always gratefully accepted.

Additionally, appointments are available during our O.R.I. Training Events.


Download Free Self-Healing Exercises

Visualizations, meditations, and affirmations are powerful tools that have been found to be very effective in creating beneficial transformations in our lives, mind, body, and spirit. Each helps us identify and focus on a positive outcome, thereby more easily making it a reality. Download a copy of our self-healing exercises (below) to aid you in your healing journey.

Young woman sitting and meditating with candles in her living room at home

Learn Self-Healing

During our schools, participants receive opportunities for reflection, healing, spiritual growth, and self-empowerment in a space of peace and acceptance. Many of our students have reported receiving profound, life-changing, and healing experiences during these events.

Join Us via Zoom for the Healing Circle Meditation

Tuesdays, 7:30 pm Central Time
To Join all Zoom Meetings:
Click the link or paste it into your browser: us02web.zoom.us/j/976830746?pwd=V3FVS0cvamVxSENPWUZ6MHlFSkZldz09
Enter Meeting ID: 976 830 746
Enter Meeting Password: 083888

To learn more about the Healing Circle or about joining via Zoom, visit the Event Calendar.