744 W. Skelton St. Fayetteville, AR 72701

Healing Circle Meditation

Zoom Meetings: Tuesdays, December 3, 10, and 17 (No meditation on December 24 and 31)
Time: 7:30 pm Central Time (Click here for time zone converter)
Cost: It’s free!
Where: Via Zoom
What: The internationally known O.R.I. Healing Circle. A guided meditation where we will send remote healing energy through loving intent to those in need. Many have reported profound, life-changing, healing experiences during this event. You can add the names of your loved ones to the list for healing energy. Come and learn what O.R.I. is about and meet the amazing community that has been coming together for over 30 years. This event is open to everyone.

To join all Zoom meetings, paste the link in your browser:
Enter Meeting ID: 976 830 746
Enter Meeting Password: 083888

Hourly Schedule

Zoom meetings: TUESDAY Dec. 3, 10, 17 (No meditation on Dec. 24 & 31)

Time: 7:30pm central time
Healing Circle Meditation
The Internationally known O.R.I. Healing Circle. A guided meditation where we will send remote healing energy through loving intent, to those in need. Many have reported profound, life-changing, healing experiences during this event. You can add the names of your loved ones to the list for healing energy. Come and learn what O.R.I. is about and meet the amazing community that has been coming together for over 30 years. This event is open to everyone.


Dec 03 2024


7:30 pm

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